This is a virtually complete transcription of the Big Fall Journal 1802-03 by Alex Nicol

" Journal keept by Mr David Sanderson from OH 1802"

July 30 1802
" Friday took our departure from OH with two boats loaded with goods and Provisions for Great Fall. A 11 Men in all In company with Mr John Cobb and Mr Thomas Vincent. camped in the Lake the First night away from the house"

July 31
" Saturday proseeded on our Journey Sleeped at the marsh along with the above people."

Aug. 1
" Sunday parted ? ? with the above Gentle Men. at 10 AM Meet a Indian with Four deer skins and Some venison. trade the leather For Shoues to the people and meat likewise - Carried on as fast as pofsible to ? respective Stations. Sleeped in ? two carring placefs up In the river that comes from catelake"

Aug. 8
" Sunday parted with the Catelake Track carring on As fast as we can"

Aug. 15
" Sunday Seed two familys of Indians. trade the Flesh of a Moose deer which was very acceptable as We had but 25 days provisions from OH to go In and out upon. these Indians followed me to Sandy Narrows and give them Some brandy to drink here "

Aug. 20
" Friday arrived at Sandy Narrows found the 3 Men that Was left in all Summer well with 232 beaver in furrs"

Aug. 21
" Saturday takeing A over half the goods. Sent the Above Indians to go and hunt Some victuals for us"

Aug. 22
" Sunday the Indians arrived with about 18? lbs of Moose flesh and a beaver. asked me to Send men And goods to windy Lake. I also agreed to them to do So. Have sorted the goods Left Jasper Corrigal in charge And 3 men with him to winter at Sandy Narrows. have sent John Sanderson and 3 men with him to Windy Lake with a canoue to winter to please the Indians & trade with them"

Aug. 23
" Monday Self and 5 men getting ready to proseed to Great fall to winter"

Aug. 24
" Tewsday prepairing all the timbers of the canoue and please God is to proseed the Morrow. Self and Five men for Great fall Jn Sanderson and Three men for windy Lake to winter."

Aug. 25
" Wedmefsday have Sett of for our wintering houses. Seed no Indians to day"

Aug. 27
" Friday Seed no Indians arrived at the House found all Safe as we Left it in the Summer"

Aug. 29
" Sunday Sent David Sanderson towards the? Winnipeck to look out for Indians. arrived 2 Indians in the afternoon. Brought 50 beaver in furrs Drunk all night"

Aug. 30
" Monday the men getting clay to repair the Fire placefs - With Arrived David Sanderson with 4 Indians & Brought 9 beaver in furrs and Some venison"

Aug. 31
" Tewsday men getting grafs and clay the Indians drunk and very troublesome"

Sept. 1 1802
" Wednefsday Six Indians came here brought Nothing they drink all night."

Sept. 2
" Thursday the Indians drunk Men doing nothing but Stoping the above Indians to hurt one another"

Sept. 3
" Friday the Men working at the fireplacefs Indians Drunk on"

Sept 4
" Saturday Men imployed as yesterday Indians drunk"

Sept. 5
" Sunday rained all day Debted the Indians the people Imployed as before"

Sept. 6
" Monday men as yesterday Indians not of yet"

Sept. 7
" Tewsday men as before Indians went away"

Sept. 8
" Wednefsday rain and bad weather the Men Repairing their bedplacefs"

Sept. 9
" Thursday two Men mending an old canoue for to Fish with the others as before"

Sept. 10
" Friday one working netts the rest gettong grafs for The House"

Sept. 11
" Saturday Men putting grafs on the house"

Sept. 12
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Sept. 13
" Monday Men cutting Fire wood & fishing"

Sept. 14
" Tewsday No fish from our netts men as before"

Sept. 15
" Wednefsday the Men as before arrived 4 Indians Brought 15 Beaver in furrs Drunk all night"

Sept. 16
" Thursday the Indians drunk the Men as before"

Sept. 17
" Friday debted the Indians & they all went away the Men Domestically imployed"

Sept. 18
" Saturday arrived one Indian and his wife brought Five beaver in furrs the people as before"

Sept. 19
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Sept. 20
" Monday Snow and bad weather could not Over hall our netts"

Sept. 21
" Tewsday the men cutting fire wood the Indians Taking debt gott 12 fish"

Sept. 22
" Wednefsday the Indians went of the men as before"

Sept. 23
" Thursday an Indian arrived called Hooknose and four Women brought 11 beaver in furs the men as before"

Sept. 24
" Friday the Indians took debts and went of the men as before"

Sept. 25
" Saturday the men as before nothing from our nets to day"

Sept. 26
" Sunday Spent the day religiously overhalled the netts no fish"

Sept. 27
" Monday getting firewood and fishing"

Sept. 28
" Tewsday the men as before the water rising continualy & That makes very bad fishing in this country"

Sept. 29
" Wednefsday arrived 10 Indians brought 16 beaver in furrs And Some dry meat drunk all night the men as before"

Sept. 30
" Thursday the Indians drunk the men in the house"

Oct. 1 1802
" Friday the Indians drunk & very troubalsome"

Oct. 2
" Saturday Indians taking debts the men as before"

Oct. 3
" Sunday the above Indians went of Spent the day religiously"

Oct. 4
" Monday the men a fishing and mending old netts"

Oct. 5
" Tewsday the men as before"

Oct. 6
" Wednefsday getting canoues and netts ready for the fall Fishing"

Oct. 7
" Thursday Sent 3 men to the fall fishing & 8 netts with them"

Oct. 8
" Friday arrived 2 Indians Brought 20? beaver and some Dry meat the men domesticly imployed"

Oct. 9
" Saturday Snow all day and cold weather"

Oct. 10
" Sunday arrived 4 Indians with their women and childring. Brought 26 beaver in furs and a little dry meat"

Oct. 11
" Monday Indians drunk Snow and bad weather"

Oct. 12
" Tewsday the Indians took debt and went of"

Oct. 13
" Wednefsday an Indian arived and his wife brought Nothing. Stoped a little and Sett of again. Sent David Sanderson to the tent for victuals"

Oct. 14
" Thursday Arrived David Sanderson with the flesh of a deer"

Oct. 15
" Friday two men came from the fall fishing say? catch No fish the reason is because the water is so very high"

Oct. 16
" Saturday the men at home? cutting firewood 3 at the fall fishing"

Oct. 17
" Sunday the men a fishing got 8 fish"

Oct. 18
" Monday the men as before Self Indian coats"

Oct. 19
" Tewsday the men as before no Indians at this place now"

Oct. 20
" Wednefsday men domesticly imployed got 6 fish From 8 netts very poor outlook for the winter"

Oct. 21
" Thursday the men imployed as before"

Oct. 22
" Friday the men as before Self Indian coats"

Oct. 23
" Saturday the men the same as before"

Oct. 24
" Sunday Spent the day religiously caught Nine fish out of the netts"

Oct. 25
" Monday the men plaistering the house with clay"

Oct. 26
" Tewsday men imployed as before"

Oct. 27
" Wednefsday the men Domesticly imployed Snow all day"

Oct. 28
" Thursday men as yesterday"

Oct. 29
" Friday 3 men a fishing the others domesticly imployed"

Oct. 30
" Saturday Sent the boat to the fishing tent to bring Home the fish that was caught."

Oct. 31
" Sunday very cold weather the Lake Sett fast"

Nov. 1 1802
" Monday the Lake all freezed over the men came home From the fishing tent did not gett the Boat or fish Home very cold weather"

Nov. 2
" Tewsday the men making Lines to pafs the netts under The ice only caught 400 fish of all Sorts included Which is very poor outlook for our winter stock"

Nov. 3
" Wednefsday the men imployed as before"

Nov. 4
" Thursday the men making Slades"

Nov. 5
" Friday rained all day opned the Lake again"

Nov. 6
" Saturday got the Boat brought home with the fish"

Nov. 7
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Nov. 8
" Monday Sent two men out a hunting rabbitts. Netts to fish with"

Nov. 9
" Tewsday the men at the house a fishing"

Nov. 10
" Wednefsday the men as before"

Nov. 11
" Thursday the men as before no Indians to see"

Nov. 12
" Friday the men the same as before"

Nov. 13
" Saturday the Men imployed as before"

Nov. 14
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Nov. 15
" Monday the men a fishing and cutting fire wood"

Nov. 16
" Tewsday the men as before"

Nov. 17
" ? Wednefsday the men as before"

Nov. 18
" Thursday the men as before no indians to see."

Nov. 19
" Friday the 2 men from hunting came home got Nothing but 10 rabbits no fish"

Nov. 20
" Saturday Setting up a flag Stick"

Nov. 21
" Sunday David Sanderson and Magnufs Teat went to their tent to hunt"

Nov. 22
" Monday the men at home a fishing the Lake all of her Freezed fast very cold weather"

Nov. 23
" Tewsday men a fishing & making Slades"

Nov. 24
" Wednefsday the men as before"

Nov. 25
" Thursday Sett 3 netts under the ice"

Nov. 26
" Friday the men making Lines of Jack twine to Over hall our netts with"

Nov. 27
" Saturday the men Setting netts more"

Nov. 28
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Nov. 29
" Monday the men a fishing got 5 fish Self Setting Hooks and lines with them. Sett 18 to day"

Nov. 30
" Tewsday the men as before nothing from the hooks"

Dec. 1 1802
" Wednefsday the men as before no indians to see"

Dec. 2
" Thursday the men as yesterday at 4 p.m. David Sanderson arived and magnufs Teat from hunting brought 19 fish and 10 rabbits"

Dec. 3
" Friday the men a fishing got 8 fish to day"

Dec. 4
" Saturday the men imployed a fishing & getting Fire wood"

Dec. 5
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Dec. 6
" Monday two men a fishing two cutting firewood one a rabbit hunting and traping"

Dec. 7
" Tewsday the men as before no Indians to see"

Dec. 8
" Wednefsday the men imployed as before"

Dec. 9
" Thursday the men domesticly imployed"

Dec. 10
" Friday the people the same as yesterday"

Dec. 11
" Saturday the men imployed as before"

Dec. 12
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Dec. 13
" Monday a fishing all hands caught 6 fish"

Dec. 14
" Tewsday imployed the same as yesterday"

Dec. 15
" Wednefsday 3 men at the netts two setting hook lines"

Dec. 16
" Thursday people imployed the same as yesterday At 4 p.m. 2 Indians came here Brought 20 Beaver in furs"

Dec. 17
" Friday the men as before the above indians went of"

Dec. 18
" Saturday men imployed as yesterday"

Dec. 19
" Sunday Spent the day religiously at 2 p.m. a Indian came here Brought nothing give him a little Brandy"

Dec. 20
" Monday The Indian went of Sent 3 men to the tent For debts Brandy and cloth with them He killed A deer on the road."

Dec. 21
" Tewsday 2 men at the netts Self cutting firewood"

Dec. 22
" Wednefsday overhalled 2 netts"

Dec. 23
" Thursday cutting fire wood at 3 p.m. arrived two of the men with 60 lb of venision"

Dec. 24
" Friday two men hawling fire wood"

Dec. 25
" Saturday christmafs day arived 3 men with 120 Beaver in furs. Spent the evenging very chearfully As the place could aford"

Dec. 26
" Sunday the men resting them selfs"

Dec. 27
" Monday the men at the netts for fish"

Dec. 28
" Tewsday men in the house doing no work to day As it is the time of christmafs"

Dec. 29
" Wednefsday the men at netts"

Dec. 30
" Thursday the men imployed as yesterday"

Dec. 31
" Friday the men the same as before"

Jan. 1 1803
" Saturday the men in the house Spent the day as Cheerfully as the place can aford"

Jan. 2
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Jan. 3
" Monday the men a fishing can gett very fiew fish"

Jan. 4
" Tewsday the men imployed as before"

Jan. 5
" Wednefsday the men imployed the same as before."

Jan. 6
" Thursday the men a fishing and cutting firewood"

Jan. 7
" Friday the men a fishing no Indian to see"

Jan. 8
" Saturday 3 men a fishing two men Domesticly Imployed"

Jan. 9
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Jan. 10
" Monday Snow and cold weather the people Domesticly imployed"

Jan. 11
" Tewsday the men a fishing one mending netts"

Jan. 12
" Wednefsday 3 men a fishing two men cutting Firewood"

Jan. 13
" Thursday men imployed as before"

Jan. 14
" Friday the men the same as before"

Jan. 15
" Saturday the men imployed as before"

Jan. 16
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Jan. 17
" Monday three men a fishing two getting firewood"

Jan. 18
" Tewsday the men a fishing. have sent David Sanderson to Sandy narrows an Indian along with him for some trading goods I had not with me. the following Letter are
Great Fall 18th Jan. 1803
Dear Sir
I have seen very fiew indians in the fall and only three or four in the winter as yet. this fiew Indians Is Been very troublesome and hunted very poorly I have made only 300 - 350 Beaver and poor Prospects of more I hope you are doing Better if you can Spare two Guns & four hatchets and 4 Chifsels Ice Send them with these two people As I have none. I have had the worst winter That ever I have seen for victuals never had The Like before only 400 fish in the fall and now Out of eight or 9 netts Scarce can catch a meal Which is very poor doings. if you can spare a nett or two we should be very glade for ours is all Broke I have Sent a List of the indian Debts in Case they may Visit you in the Spring. Having Nothing More to add but wishing you a Plentiful Spring and good Trade.
I Remain your humble Servant
With Sincerity David Sanderson"

Jan. 19
" Wednefsday 3 men a fishing the other man a hawling firewood"

Jan. 20
" Thursday the men imployed as before"

Jan. 21
" Friday the men as before"

Jan. 22
" Saturday the men as before"

Jan. 23
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Jan. 24
" Monday the men a fishing"

Jan. 25
" Tewsday Snow and Bad Weather the men Domesticly imployed"

Jan. 26
" Wednefsday the men as before"

Jan. 27
" Thursday the men the same as yesterday"

Jan. 28
" Friday the men as before No Sign of any indians"

Jan. 29
" Saturday the men the Same as before. Arived Dav'd Sanderson from Sandy narrows And the Indian that was with him with all the Articles that I Sent for and Jasper Corrigal Letter the following are
Sandy Narrows
26 Jan. 1803
Hon'd Sir
Yours I duly received dated Jan. the 18 ? And was very hapy to hear from you but I was Sorry to hear of your poor winter. as for our Living here we have no cause to complain blefs God for all his mercies for we have had very good Fish all the winter and a considerable quantity of Venison. The Indians that I have Seen Last fall Are but very fiew, Shot Back one, Catelegs two With Their familys. the Indian named the head and Act a toon ee 2d Son. So please Sir you may Expect that their will not be great trade here. their is now 400 made Beaver with Summer and all included I heard from Jn Sanderson In the month of Nov. by an Indian and he have Sent To Sandy Lake Last fall but whither they found any of the articles that was their I do not know. I have Sent a List of their Debts to you And I have also Sent the articles you Sent fore - two Guns 3 1/2 feet four hatchets & 4 Chifsels Ice And two netts. Hon'd Sir
Do conclude with wishing you a plentiful Spring I Remain your Most Humble & Obt Servant
With Sincerity
Jasper Corrigal"

Jan. 30
" Sunday "

Jan. 31 " Monday the men fishing & cutting fire wood"

Feb. 1 1803
" Tewsday three men a fishing two cutting firewood"

Feb. 2
" Wednefsday the men as before"

Feb. 3
" Thursday very bad weather can not gett to Our netts to day"

Feb. 4
" Friday three men at the netts brought fish 10"

Feb. 5
" Saturday at 11 A.M. two indians came here brought twentyfour beaver in furs. the indians drunk"

Feb. 6
" Sundy the above indians went of Sent three men To the tent with brandy tobacco powder & Shot Virmillion and Beads for debts"

Feb. 7
" Monday the men fishing not getting any Scarce one meal a day "

Feb. 8
" Tewsday three men arived with 36 beaver in furrs Give the Men Brandy Gal 1/4 "

Feb. 9
" Wednefsday Snow all day the men resting them Selfs"

Feb. 10
" Thursday three men a fishing two cutting firewood"

Feb. 11
" Friday the men as before"

Feb. 12
" Saturday the men the Same as before"

Feb. 13
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Feb. 14
" Monday three men a fishing two cutting firewood"

Feb. 15
" Tewsday the men as before"

Feb. 16
" Wednefsday the men the Same as yesterday"

Feb. 17
" Thursday the men the Same as before"

Feb. 18
" Friday the Same as before men domesticly imployed"

Feb. 19
" Saturday the men as before"

Feb. 20
" Sunday Spent the day religiously at 6 p.m. Four Indians arrived Brought 7 beaver and 70 lb of venison took Debt and went of. cost Brandy gln 3 "

Feb. 21
" Monday three men a fishing one a traping the other Cutting fire wood"

Feb. 22
" Tewsday the men as yesterday ? "

Feb. 23
" Wednefsday the men as before "

Feb. 24
" Thursday the men as before"

Feb. 25
" Friday the men the Same as before"

Feb. 26
" Saturday the men the Same as before"

Feb. 27
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Feb. 28
" Monday three men afishing 1 a traping the other Sladeing? wood."

Mar. 1 1803
" Tewsday Snow all day did not get to our netts"

Mar. 2
" Wednefsday the men a fishing & cutting firewood"

Mar. 3
" Thursday the men as before"

Mar. 4
" Friday the Same as before the men a fishing"

Mar. 5
" Saturday the men the Same as yesterday"

Mar. 6
" Sunday the men a fishing three Indians came Here brought 20 beaver in furs drunk all night"

Mar. 7
" Monday three men a fishing the others getting firewood"

Mar. 8
" Tewsday the men as before"

Mar. 9
" Wednefsday the men imployed as before"

Mar. 10
" Thursday the men imployed as before. three Indians Came here Sent for debts Sent Brandy & Tobacco, powder and shot, beads & Virmillion"

Mar. 11
" Friday the men at the indians tent the indians drunk At the house"

Mar. 12
" Saturday the Indian went of. Sent the two men With him that was home for victuals. Self At the house"

Mar. 13
" Sunday Self at the house ? "

Mar. 14
" Monday at 5 p.m. Arived the 2 men that was Sent With the Indian for flesh Brought 100lb of venison. about 7 p.m. arived the other three that was along with the indian called hook nose with 46 Beaver in furs Give them brandy gal 1/4 "

Mar. 15
" Tewsday Sent David Sanderson to the eagles Tent to Spend the Spring with him and Look out For the debts their is a canadian in the tent with him The whole winter &? he? have got all the winter Furs my debts given out Last fall"

Mar. 16
" Wednefsday two men a fishing & two cutting wood"

Mar. 17
" Thursday the men as before"

Mar. 18
" Friday the men imployed as before"

Mar. 19
" Saturday the men imployed as before"

Mar. 20
" Sunday a Indian came here Brought nothing Been Starving all the winter gave him tobacco"

Mar. 21
" Monday the above went of gave him Shot & Powder and a little more tobacco"

Mar. 22
" Tewsday the men as before"

Mar. 23
" Wednefsday the men imployed as before"

Mar. 24
" Thursday the men as before"

Mar. 25
" Friday the men as before"

Mar. 26
" Saturday the men imployed as before"

Mar. 27
" Sunday at 11 a.m. arived a Indian brought 4 beaver in furs went of the same day"

Mar. 28
" Monday 2 men a fishing 2 cutting wood"

Mar. 29
" Tewsday a Indian came here brought 7 beaver In furs went of again the men as before"

Mar. 30
" Wednefsday the men the same as before"

Mar. 31
" Thursday the men as before"

April 1 1803
" Friday the men imployed as before"

Apr. 2
" Saturday the men as before"

Apr. 3
" Sunday a Indian arived here brought 9 beaver & the Meat of 3 beaver went of again"

Apr. 4
" Monday Snow all day at 2 p.m. 4 Indians came here Brought 30 beaver in furs & a Little dry vinision"

Apr. 5
" Tewsday the above Indians went of men domesticly Imployed"

Apr. 6
" Wednefsday the men afishing & cutting wood a little. At 4 p.m. 3 Indians came here brought 18 beaver In furs drunk all night"

Apr. 7
" Thursday the Indians went of the men a fishing"

Apr. 8
" Friday the men as before"

Apr. 9
" Saturday the men the same as before"

Apr. 10
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

Apr. 11
" Monday the men a fishing"

Apr. 12
" Tewsday the men as before Sett two netts in open water"

Apr. 13
" Wednefsday the men as before a fishing continualy"

Apr. 14
" Thursday the men as before"

Apr. 15
" Friday the men as before 4 Indians came here Brought 20 beaver Skins & 4 Geese drunk all night"

Apr. 16
" Saturday the men a fishing"

Apr. 17
" Sunday Indians went of fine day"

Apr. 18
" Monday the men a fishing netts in open water"

Apr. 19
" Tewsday the men a fishing two Indians arived here Brought 20 br in furs and a Little dry meat they Went of again the same night"

Apr. 20
" Wednefsday the men a fishing all weathers"

Apr. 21
" Thursday the men a fishing at 10 a.m. A Indian and wife arrived here brought nothing. Sent two men to the tent With brandy powder and Shot For debts. at 12 midletime of the day an Indian arrived called the Martin brought 20 beaver In furs went of a gain the Same day"

Apr. 22
" Friday the two men arrived from the Indian tent Brought 52 beaver in furrs Served them Brandy gln 1/8 "

Apr. 23
" Saturday the men a fishing"

Apr. 24
" Sunday an Indian and wife came here brought Seven geese they was drinking all night"

Apr. 25
" Monday the men afishing Indians drunk"

Apr. 26
" Tewsday the men the Same as before at 2 p.m. a Indian & family arrived here brought 4 geese"

Apr. 27
" Wednefsday the men imployed as before"

Apr. 28
" Thursday the men as before"

Apr. 29
" Friday the men afishing at 4 p.m. an Indian and Wife came here brought 3 beaver in furs drunk All night"

Apr. 30
" Saturday the men imployed as before"

May 1 1803
" Sunday Spent the day religiously Indians All went away"

May 2
" Monday the men a fishing"

May 3
" Tewsday the men imployed as formarly Snow all day"

May 4
" Wednefsday the men imploed as before"

May 5
" Thursday the men as before at 10 A.M. an Indian Arived and family brought nothing was drunk all hight"

May 6
" Friday the men as before Indians drunk gave them Their clothing"

May 7
" Saturday the men imployed as before"

May 8
" Sunday at 2 p.m. arived 7 Indians was drinking All night clothed two of them the others do not Deserve clothing going to the canadians all winter"

May 9
" Monday the men in the house Indians drunk"

May 10
" Tewsday the men as before Indians takeing debt And went away"

May 11
" Wednefsday at 3 p.m. David Sanderson arived And 4 Indians brought 40 beaver in furrs was Drunk all night"

May 12
" Thursday rain all day the men in the house Indians Takeing debt"

May 13
" Friday the men a fishing the Indians all went away"

May 14
" Saturday the men as before Lake all the ice Broke of her."

May 15
" Sunday Spent the day religiously"

May 16
" Monday the men a fishing and getting pitch For the Boat"

May 17
" Tewsday the men as before at 2 p.m. two Indians arrived broght 16 geese & 10 ducks Gave them brandy and powder and Shot they Went of to day "

May 18
" Wednefsday the men pitching the boat and Getting powls"

May 19
" Thursday getting ready to proseed for OH And packing the furrs"

May 20
" Friday the Same as yesterday getting ready"

May 21
" Saturday Stoping for Indians that said They were to come here but it is past the time they Apointed to me"

May 22
" Sunday at the house Spent the day Religiously"

May 23
" Monday Stoping for the Indians no Sign of Them to come"

May 24
" Tewsday left the house and proseed for Sandy Narrows"

May 25
" Wednefsday on the Journey "

May 26
" Thursday on the Journey - meet Indians 5 of Them got 5 Beaver in furs 8 Geese and flesh of a Bear"

May 27
" Friday Arived at Sandy Narrows the Indians of Last Night followed me to the house beging brandy Sepose I gived them plenty the night before. I find that Jn Sanderson have not arived here as Yet."

May 28
" Saturday Stoping for the canoue that was Sent to windy Lake Last fall."

May 29
" Sunday Stoping at the house no sign of the Canoue to come"

May 30
" Monday imployed 2 Indian to go and Look after the canoue and two men with These Indians"

May 31
" Tewsday the canoue not arived as yet which Is making me very uneafsy about her"

June 1 1803
" Wednefsday the Canoue not arived as yet"

June 2
" Thursday at ten A.M. Jn Sanderson arived With the canoue from windy Lake With 800 br In furrs &c"

June 3
" Friday getting ready to proseed to OH"

June 4
" Left Sandy narrows With two boats and A 11 men in all with 39 bundles of furrs And a Rundlet of castorum. as my Remains is Considerable I was Obliged to leave 3 men at the House to take care of the Goods during Summer. my leaving the men inland last Summer did a deal of Good to the Service and I make no doubt but that it will do the same this Year. with wishing Prosperity to Your Honors Trade I Conclude and am Your
Honors Dutiful Servt
David Sanderson"

1M16 B.18/a/1
